
May Memories Pack x 3


This May 11th we will remember those who have died from MND at our Annual memorial service.
The blue cornflower (Centaurea Cyanus) has been adopted by many MND support organisations around the world as a symbol for Motor Neurone Disease. The cornflower has a fragile appearance but a hardy nature and an inner strength.
In a similar way, people with MND and their families show remarkable strength in coping with the changes this disease brings to their lives.
You can remember your loved one in a special way by purchasing a May Memories pack. Sow these cornflower seeds as a tribute to your loved one on the day of our memorial service (11th May) or at any time during the month of May.
The flowers bloom from mid-summer to early autumn. Seeds can be sown in containers or directly in the ground.
The cornflower is a reminder of nature’s simple beauty and hidden strengths.