Where Does the Money Go

Our Annual Reports/Financial Statements

Download our Annual Report
for 2023

Download our Annual Report
for 2022

Download our financial Statement
for 2021

Download our Annual Report
for 2021

Download our financial Statement
for 2020

Download our Annual Report
for 2020

Download our financial Statement
for 2019

Download our financial Statement
for 2018

Download our Annual Report
for 2018

Download our Annual Report &
Financial Statements for 2017

Download our Annual Report
for 2017

Download Audited Accounts
December 2016

Download our Annual Report
for 2016

Strategic Plan 2021 - 2026

Strategic Plan 2021 - 2026


We are Triple Locked

The Triple Lock Status for 2024 means our charity upholds the highest standards in transparent reporting, good fundraising and governance. It is a mark of openness, transparency and integrity.

Good Fundraising

Our board has formally adopted the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public. Our staff, volunteers and anyone else fundraising on our behalf are fully trained on the requirements and we have implemented controls to ensure that all our fundraising practices are fully in line with the “Guidelines” and any related Codes of Practice. We also review and report annually on this compliance.


Our board has formally adopted and publicly signed up to the Charities Governance Code for the Community and Voluntary Sector. We have adopted the recommended practices under each of the five principles of good governance as appropriate. This involves constant review and self-evaluation to ensure we are always in compliance.

Annual Reporting And Financial Reporting

We prepare an annual report and financial statements in full compliance with the Charity SORP (Standard of Reporting Practice under FRS102) – see above.