Hope starts with one step.

Change happens with many.

Walk While You can this October 2024.



Raised so far


Total Entrants


Please support Walk While You Can 2024!!

Every day the most remarkable people face the toughest of battles.This year Andres Estevez Guersanik from Dublin was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and he is the ambassador for this year’s Walk While You Can.

MND affects my arms and hands and means I struggle with everyday things most of us take for granted- from peeling an orange, to brushing my teeth to writing. I used to love running marathons but now find 5k a challenge. But I’m doing what I can while I can so I will be walking this October 21st and I encourage everyone who can to get involved. It’s only 5k and you can do it on your own, with your dog, friends or family. It’s really easy to get set up to take part and the funds raised will help people right across Ireland living with MND and their families.

Walk While You Can first originated in 2018 when Fr. Tony Coote, well known priest, campaigner and latterly author, undertook an extraordinary walk from Donegal to Cork – some 550 kilometres, and raised €700,000 for Motor Neurone Disease in the process. That’s the power of your support!

So let’s join Andres and his wife Jennifer and help to continue what Fr Tony started this October and help keep our nurses in the communities where they are needed most.

How it works

1. Register to Walk

This couldn’t be simpler! Set up your Walk While You Can fundraising page, add your story and some photos so it's personal to you.

2. Invite and Share

Invite your friends and family to sponsor you, or join your team and walk with you! By posting on social media and emailing people, it helps us spread the word.

3. Have fun and raise funds!

Once you have your fundraisingl page you can do it your way... check out our Tips & Tools for some inspiration.

Connect with us


Have a look at some of our Walk While You Can images from previous years.

Check out the full gallery